JUMP TOCloud4wi Explore APIsstsGet authetnication TokenpostRevoke authetnication TokenpostcustomersList all the Contacts of an organization matching the search parametersgetUpdate the opt-ins of a ContactputDelete a ContactdeleteGet a ContactgetList all WiFi Connections of a ContactgetList applicaiton and marketing activities for a ContactgetList all devices of a ContactgetList location Events of a ContactgetorganizationsList all events for an organziation idgetList all events of a specific ContactgetList all WiFi Connections of the organizationgetsegmentsList SegmentsgethotspotsList Access Points of an organizationgetGet an Access PointgetGet an Acess Point by hotspot identifiergetlocationsList Locations of the organizationgetGet a Location by idgetPowered by Revoke authetnication Tokenpost https://explore.cloud4wi.com/v1/sts/logoutIt revokes the JWT token passed in the header.